Sunday, May. 08, 2005 : the circle of knife
I have a knot in my throat. I'm out of it.

I had a really strange dream last night. I cant sleep more than 6 hours at a time. then i have these really messed up dreams.

this particular one scares me because its about what something I have been thinking about since it happened years ago. I stopped having dreams , that was a step in the right direction. it was a warning maybe not to bother trying to figure it out anymore. I never want to go backwards.

anyway, things have been pretty good. I've been awake during the day mostly. thats helped i think. so many people everywhere during the day - I forget. its strange and overwhelming. I work all week after this weekend. so its back in the dark I go. money will be good. someday I can catch up.

brunch with jasons family, dinner with my family today. the day is dedicated to the women that made babies.