Tuesday, May. 17, 2005 : parakeet buddies
I had a pretty good "weekend". I've been pretty anti social these past few days. except for hanging out with jason : ) but it's allowed me some time to myself to relax and get some things done. max got some new toys in the mail and he tried to climb inside the box head first after I took everything out. the parakeets got a new swing, which they hid from at the bottom of the cage for at least an hour before they would go anywhere near it. I realized that they dont have names, and never really did. I want to pick names that go good together, it is their last couple years of life, and I need to think of something. if you have any ideas, let me know.

they are both males, the green one is really fiesty and the loudest and more agressive one. the blue one keeps to himself most of the time but he has his moments where he gets all exicted and playful as well and wont let the green one rest.

anyway, I dont really have too much going on. still looking for a new job that doesnt suck, but chances are I will find one that sucks just as much if not more.

I cant help but be in a good mood, its almost summer, and I've got a few really great friends, and i'm "young and in love."
better enjoy it while i can.