Saturday, May. 28, 2005 : puhhhhh
I'm in a really good mood. I have 3 days off, some time to get ready for my pratical exam, a model to take with me, so I dont have to worry about that. a lot less stressed. we dreamed of an italian feast all night at work, and then all of us (eric, jason, john and I) went to walmart in the morning and got pasta, sauce, and bread, and went to jason and johns apartment and made it, and it was delicious. eric and I are going to be professional crazy homeless beggars we decided and rant about spaghetti and other random things unrelated to it for coins. the trip to the city earlier this week was just what I needed I think. cause Ive been in a much better mood. I need to take random trips more often, even to just syracuse or something. we are going to new jersey the middle of this month too.. so that will be good. yup. it will feel good to get this exam thing behind me, and find a new job someday soon. I just need to not be such a lazy procastinator, and learn how to balance relaxing and work. I tend to feel a lot better about myself and get more things accomplished when I am motivated by something. thats the real key. hmmm... so my little cousin whos just now getting out of high school is getting married. sheessh. I thought of a really neat Idea for a tatoo but its a secret, no ones going to suspect me getting one finally then poof, out of nowhere i'll have it. mayyyybe. more than likely I'll just not get it because I like the way my uninked body looks. I just need to find a good book with the right picture for what i'm basing half of it on. and consider it. poof is a good word Ive been using it a lot lately. puhhhhh was finally getting old. ok I need to get some stuff done before my company arrives.