Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2004 : its so fun to pretend you have a wooden leg
yay 21st birthday next friday.

I have a good feeling about the movie eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I think it may be my next movie fix. I'll get it soon.

the past 4:

4. The Breakfast Club
3. True Romance
2. Secretary
1. Lost in Translation

I'm also pretty excited about mr. show season 4.

plus theres a lot of good cartoons coming out on dvd, so i may never have to watch tv again!

Tomorrow morning I talk to an attourney about my old ridiculous phone bill that ruined my credit. My parents are all of a sudden interested in the idea of me doing well. For some reason they also want to see me in a car that isnt a junkpile. this is a first indeed.

so maybe, soon i will be riding in style. Its hard to imagine, really.

i'm off to my bed to dream of safer and happier driving and then hanging out with jason on yet another fabulous night off. (i love this working every other day thing)