Monday, Sept. 27, 2004 : feeling much better
(pictures taken on the day I moved the rest of my stuff to endicott on the ride home)

though,I can't sleep. so i got up and I am eating cheez-its. I sleep pretty good like every other day. its strange. I'm wearing a shirt that I havent worn since I was shopping one day in syracuse. this guy followed me around the store and then told me that the logo on the shirt looked liked it was this band he knew. he worked there. I gave him a funny look and left. I kinda miss syracuse but i'm glad i'm not there anymore. isnt that strange? I look back now and its just this strange phase that I somehow got out of even though it seemed endless. especially with school. I miss my fake friend at my old job. I don't miss hannah at all. In fact, the quality of my life has gone up several notches just from her not living with me alone. its like i had a headache for a really long time and then one day it went away. I do miss kristy though, more than I thought I would. I talked to austin on instant messenger yesterday. I tried to figure out where he was working so i can have him do my peircings that I want to get done but he works at rite aid or something. I'm sure kristy can refer me to someone good. I'm so tired I don't know why I cant fall asleep. I watched about scmidt. It was strange the second time around. it didnt have as much of an effect on me. I need a new movie to be addicted to. I dont know what qualities it needs to have, becasue i can watch a really great movie once and never have the desire to see it ever again. I cant remember the last movie i saw in a theater. i'm scared to say it might have been farenheit 9/11. does that count as a movie? I saw it twice, whats wrong with me. well hopefully I have a movie date tonight. i'm going to go wander around my house some more...