Saturday, Oct. 09, 2004 : "they make medication for that you know..."
the sunrising this morning is so beautiful. it was a lovely dark blue and bright red on the way home.

Kohls has been hiring way too many people. Its made me uneasy, as some of them, specifically 2 of them, seem to really not like me. one of them is this big mean guy who has this jerky look on his face constantly and makes rude comments about everything I do, and the other is this very overweight woman that eric and I fondly call chicklets. she seems almost worse than bonnie, as she does just about as much work but she is very jerry springer show contestant, and I cant make jokes with everyone anymore I guess, cause she easily gets offended and when she talks to me in that jerry springer way with her 2 teeth it frightens me. shes like an ex hall monitor or bus driver. theres nothing like angry easily offended dumb people. Plus our manager likes to have everyone work on the same thing at once which is ridiculous because we all start running into each other and its irritating to work with everyone cause people start becoming less efficient and more dumb and annoying and I get to have to listen to kgb on a radio that sounds worse than the kohls speakers. I didnt think that was possible, but it is.

it feels good to be home. work is really not at all that horrible, people just scare me sometimes. I'm not in grade school anymore, I shouldnt get picked on as much.