Saturday, Apr. 23, 2005 : from night creature to day zombie
I'm nearly jobless, so boredem sets in. I went shopping yesterday, I got a new belt, sunglasses, perfume, a haircut. hung out with jason, we made box foods last night, then I made us breakfast in the morning before he had to work and I ate it alone and left. this is why I rarely do nice things for people. id rather not be taken for granted.

I'm still so tired but wide awake. I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself today. I finally got on a day schedule and its not all i thought it would be. I guess I just have to get used to it.

I adopted my moms parakeets cause she wasn't taking very good care of them. they are cute, and crazy, but louder than max. its really cute to see him watch them, and copy them, and try and prove himself to be better. I think he knows hes bigger and better though, because he's definitely got an ego.