Sunday, Apr. 24, 2005 : my assualt on the world begins now
one of my favorite things to eat is bread. going to see mastadon on the 10th with tom and some other people. so bored. I feel really small and the room feels larger than usual. I feel kind of lonely. it smells terrible down here, and its cold. looking forward to ghost hunting this summer. just need to wait out the bad moods like waiting out the thunderstorm. --like when you are little and you count the seconds between the lightening and thunder. sort of like what my bad moods are like. sometimes they last all night, but I always seem to feel ok the next day. every once in a while I wake up the same, but thats pretty rare. usually not much of a reason for my thunderstorms. I get it in my head that everything is going all wrong and actually cant help but believe it. but its not. and i realize it eventually. but sometimes it takes a downpour. everything wet is clean and calm.

"The rain on my car is a baptism, the new me, Power Lloyd, my assualt on the world begins now." - Say anything