Monday, Oct. 25, 2004 : bang some z's out
no where else does my life seem as meaningless than at work. especially when I work alone listening to the worst music ever all night repeating while a simple task over and over and over and over.... with the right drugs I could turn my brain off and go on autopiolet. but drugs are not so smart of an idea.

thats ok I get a decent amount of nights off this week at least. If they had their way id be working my 40 hours plus overtime as they didnt get around to hiring enough people. fuck em.

going to see converge with jason on tuesday. I hear theres a lot of kids going. it should be good and crowded. although, a perk of being newly 21, I can now LEAVE club tundra and step outside for air. ah the taste of freedom. (and over priced alcohol in public) speaking of freedom, I saw team america... I liked it, yet it wasnt as funny as I was expecting. it gets a 9.8 on the corny scale though.

ok. i need to go get some things done and go to sleep.