Friday, Jan. 07, 2005 : retail slobs
I worked. I got a new discman and 2 dvds from the 5.50 bin from you know where.

I went into work and discovered I was not on the schedule. I had to wait until morning to find out why. Turns out the lady that does the schedule one day felt like going in and changing peoples job descriptions around. this made it so it didnt even print out for some reason. she did it to only 2 other people, who work on the register during the day, and for some reason me. she changed my job description to adset only, which would mean I would only be scheduled 6 days out of this entire month. kathy told me she would put it back... but someones word means nothing there. and because of this I only work 1 day next week and its too late to change it. I do work 4 days the week after, which is what I should be working next week, but you know, I cant now because someone felt like messing with things she has no business doing on a whim and its fine, she will still get paid to sit there and do crap like this while it only effects other peoples lives. I cant even describe to you how ugly some of the day people are as people and to each other. its amazing they still have jobs, but then I remember that management is the same way and it all makes sense again. I understand and have experienced that it is bad eveywhere to some degree, but this has to be the worst environment ive been in as far as fellow employees go. not only are these people not very intelligent but they are so gossipy and self ritious. gross combination. I'm glad I don't have to deal with them much. just random uneccessary occurances like this, i cant imagine what kind of patience i would need to have working during the day on a regular basis. oh well I guess. the idea of being fired was kind of appealing the more i thought about it last night. but i'm glad i'm not i guess.

I know this job isn't forever (I wouldnt want it to be) and I need to figure something else out in the meantime.

coming soon...

ye ole tyme adult bookstore shoppe (copyright 2005)