Monday, Dec. 06, 2004 : the great relax
I feel good, I lounged around at home all night, and I have 3 new movies to watch that I ordered off of amazon. being at home when its only my mom here is kind of nice. its actually pretty quiet. I hope Jason wakes up soon. I might actually be too bored of sitting around...

Conversation With The Smartest Person EVER
Mad Neko: Hey.
we collide: hello
Mad Neko: I read your Xanga.
we collide: come again?
Mad Neko: Your Xanga.
we collide: sorry, I don't know what you are talking about
Mad Neko: thisisradio_surgery o_o
we collide: still dont know!
Mad Neko:
Mad Neko:thisisradio_surgery
we collide: that isn't mine.
we collide: I dont have an account there
Mad Neko: Oh... Well that girl put your AIM name in there o_o
we collide:I dont see it, whereabouts on the page?
Mad Neko: AIM: motel KILL

AIM: apollo weCOLLIDE

AIM: motel KILL

AIM: apollo weCOLLIDE

Mad Neko: Oh..
Mad Neko: I'm sorry, I IM'ed the wrong screen name >P
we collide:'s ok..
Mad Neko: Later.