Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 : boofless
I cant sleep. (see above)thats the reason for the terrible new picture which I will hate in a day and take down and wonder why i put it up. photoshop does not make me more sleepy, I should have went for a walk instead. things have been really different lately. or maybe only strange things have happened and everything is the same. I cant tell. I dont have really bad allergies anymore and that makes me happy. I sneeze sometimes, and I wake up with a stuffy nose and thats it. though, they used to be really bad in the fall more than summer. when I went to frost valley in 6th grade I felt like i was dieing. I work tonight through saturday night. the money will be good. the working wont. Ive met 2 people online that seem like they would be neat people in real life. its always hard to tell. they sent me messages. one is in ny, shes this interior design, what would you call them, artists? I think it would be neat to live in ny. blah blah blah nlashplkh egsgsdg bdrsghsdfh I need to do something or sleep this hum of the computer and high pitched sound of the monitor kill me a little inside. I cant wait until my hair gets a little longer. I want to say that I'm never going to cut it myself again but I honestly know that wont be true. puuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh