Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 : This is unreal!
I only have like 3 minutes before i get kicked off my parents computer but I just wanted to document this really quick... the past couple weeks ive been constantly thinking about wanting to go on a trip, in such a way that I feel like i need to, like theres a reason i'm supposed to go, or that in the very least it will be a fun time. so anyway I went to the great china buffet in JC with phil last night and my fortune cookie read as follows:

"Sometimes travel to new places leads to great transformation."

which is kind of specific cause i've had it in my head that its going to change me for the better somehow, then last night I was debating in my head if i should go alone or not on this trip.

so today I check my email. yes folks, I have my horoscope sent to me in my email every day. and a lot of the time its creepily exactly about whats happening during my day. I'm not really one of those people that lives my life by this stuff but I think its interesting sometimes. anyway this is what todays horoscope said:

Dear Marie,
Here is your horoscope
for Saturday, July 2:

"You've been thinking about taking a vacation -- maybe not alone. Get the show on the road right now. Go online and peruse destinations you've always wanted to visit. You may be inspired to make a reservation. Or two.

Maybe i'm just looking for signs that were always there but since ive been so fixated on the idea i see them now, or maybe this is the coolest idea ever and these are "signs", haha, or maybe I'm just a nutcase, either way I'm totally going as soon as I save up enough money.